- "Preliminary sorting for
the Short Straight Section quadrupoles of Sector 3-4", with A. Lombardi, LOC
section meeting, on 06/12/05 (ppt)
- "Magnetic axis tolerances for
the SSS magnets",
with S. Fartoukh, B. Jeanneret, A. Lombardi, Field Quality
Working Group, on 10/01/06 (ppt)
- "Beam dynamics requirements on
MQT", with
A. Lombardi, Field Quality Working Group, on 21/03/06 (ppt)
- "Sorting for the
Short Straight Section quadrupoles of Sectors 5-6",
LOC section meeting, on 28/02/06 (ppt)
- "Sorting for the
Short Straight Section quadrupoles of Sectors 6-7, 2-3 and 1-2", LOC
section meeting, on 13/03/06 (ppt)
- "Field quality for LHC
corrector magnets", with
S. Fartoukh, LOC section meeting, on 31/07/06 (ppt)
- "Spectrometer
compensation in IR2 and IR8 during the 450GeV collision run", LCU
section meeting, on 11/09/06 (ppt)
- "450GeV optics: IR
aperture and IR bumps", with
W. Herr, LHC commissioning working group, on 20/06/06 (pdf,ppt)
- "VELO detector and
available aperture in IR8", LOC
section meeting, on 23/10/06 (pdf, ppt)
- "Maximum crossing angle
and spectrometer bump amplitudes for collisions at 450 GeV", LHC
Technical Committee, on 25/10/06 (pdf, ppt)
- "End of ramp with
injection settings in IR8", LOC
section meeting, on 06/11/06 (pdf, ppt)
- "Collision bump
amplitudes for the 450GeV run",
Machine Protection working group, on 01/12/06 (pdf, ppt)
- "Can we collide in the
LHCb in the x-y plane (without hardware changes)", with
W. Herr, LHC
Technical Committee, on 06/12/06 (pdf)
- "Progress in IR8 matching
for β* squeeze", LCU
section meeting, on 26/02/07 (pdf, ppt)
- "Final (?) squeeze
solution for IR8", LCU
section meeting, on 21/05/07 (pdf)
- "J-PARC main ring lattice
- An overview", PS2
design working group, on 15/12/06 (pdf, ppt)
- "Multi-Turn Extraction
for PS2-Preliminary considerations", with
M. Giovannozzi, PS2 design working group, on 09/02/07 (pdf, ppt)
- "PS2 design status", LIS
section meeting, on 30/04/07 (pdf, ppt)
- "Towards a NMC Lattice
for PS2", PS2
design working group, on 22/08/07 (pdf, ppt)
- "Progress on NMC Lattice
for PS2 ", PS2
design working group, on 29/09/07 (pdf, ppt)
- "Optics considerations
for PS2",
HHH-BEAM'07 workshop, CERN, on 04/10/07 (pdf, ppt)
- "Towards a NMC ring:
Dispersion supressor and long straight
section", PS2
design working group, on 24/10/07 (pdf, ppt)
- "Comparison of NMC rings
for PS2",
PS2 design working group, on 16/11/07 (pdf, ppt)
- "Optics Solutions for the
PS2 ring",
invited lecture in the John Adams Institute, Oxford University, UK, on
07/02/08 (pdf, ppt)
- "PS2 optics", LIS
section meeting, on 11/02/08 (pdf, pptx)
- "Lattice optimisation and
chromaticity correction in NMC rings", PS2
design working group, on
19/03/08 (pdf, pptx)
- "Optics considerations
for PS2", with
D. Trbojevic and R. de Maria, PS2
design working group, on
19/03/08 (pptx)
- "Update of damping ring
parameters", with
M. Korostelev, CLIC parameters working group, on 24/04/07 (pdf, ppt)
- "Comparison between NLC,
ILC and CLIC Damping Ring parameters",
CLIC parameters working group, on 08/05/07 (pdf, ppt)
- "Damping rings'
parameters with reduced bunch charge",
CLIC parameters working group, on 15/05/07 (pdf, ppt)
- "Lattice design for IBS
dominated beams",
IBS07 workshop, Daresbury UK, on 29/08/07 (pdf, ppt)
- "Damping rings'
parameters for the new accelerating structure",
CLIC parameters working group, on 02/10/07 (pdf, ppt)
- "Ultra-low emittance for
the CLIC damping rings using super-conducting wigglers",
invited seminar at ANKA Synchrotron, Karlsruhe Gremany,
on 08/10/07 (ppt)
- "CLIC damping rings
overview and open issues",
CLIC07 workshop, CERN, on 18/10/07 (pptx)
- "BBFP, J. Wei’s
Fokker-Planck solver for bunched beams",
CLIC Beam dynamics meeting, on 21/11/07 (pptx)
- "Conservative beam
emittance for CLIC damping rings",
CLIC parameters working group, on 19/02/08 (pdf, ppt)
- "Introduction to CERN",
presentation given as part of CERN official visits (in greek, pdf, ppt, in english, pdf, ppt)